Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Welcome to the first Newsletter of EPA’s 30th Anniversary Year.

The Charlie Hebdo shooting and the following tragic events in Paris on 7 January show us how important it is to protect human rights. I strongly believe that us parents have a crucial role in teaching our children not only to exercise their own rights well and to respect that of the others’, but also to teach our children how to handle situations when they feel their rights or feelings to be hurt without violence and trust us to help them. Safer Internet Day to be celebrated on 10 February can be a good opportunity to talk about this at home and in your community. 

We have a challenging and colourful year ahead, hopefully as interesting as 2014 was. According to the working programme approved by our GA in November we have a GA and conference on 24/25 April in Prague mostly dealing with parental trainings. The draft programme and the official invitation will be sent by the end of February. In case you wish to book your flight early, please take into account that we are planning a day-trip to Plzen, European Cultural Capital 2015 on Sunday, 26 April.

The 30th Jubilee celebrations, involving stocktaking of the state of parental rights and parental involvement in Europe, will take place at the second GA and conference of the year, 27/28 November in Luxembourg. We are looking forward to receiving input on your experiences of these past decades for the jubilee publication by the end of June.  

As always, you are very welcome to share your national or local level events and topics for the blog. We are very interested to receive your member’s forms sent just a few days ago as soon as possible, too. We would also appreciate it very much if you paid your membership fee at your earliest convenience.

Best wishes,

Eszter Salamon